英 [niːdz]美[nidz]
- adv. (只与must连用)必须地
- n. 需要(need的复数)
- v. 需要;必须;缺少(need的三单形式)
- We must needs depart.
- 我们必须离开。
- The watch needs cleaning and oiling.
- 这表需要擦油泥.
- Then find out the opportunity the Chinese samshu trade exists and challenge that faces at present.
- 然后找出目前中国白酒行业存在的机遇和面临的挑战.
- A good novelist needs great power of conception.
- 一个好的小说家需要丰富的想象力.
- It needs skill to tune a piano.
- 调准钢琴需要技巧.
- China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.
- 中国需要大量吸收外国的进步文化, 但决不能无批判地兼收并蓄.
- He needs no trappings of fame.
- 他不需要名声的虚饰.
- My bike has rusted and needs oil.
- 我的自行车生锈了,需要上油.
- That child needs discipline.
- 必须对这个孩子加以惩罚.
- The rickety barn needs repairing.
- 这个东倒西歪的粮仓该修理了.
- Our city needs more facilities for recreation.
- 我们城市需要更多的娱乐设施.
- The farm was keyed to the needs of the local people.
- 农场按当地人的需要作了调整.
- What this company needs is a stronger management.
- 这家公司需要一个更有力的管理层.
- The company needs boosting up, if it is not to be defeated by its competitors.
- 该公司如要在竞争中不被对手挤垮, 就须加强实力.
- The door needs a scrub.
- 门需要刷一下.
- This measure needs further discussion and consideration.
- 这项措施尚待商酌.
- A retarded child needs help, not pity.
- 智力迟钝的孩子需要的不是怜悯,而是帮助.
- He needs to stop fairly often for refreshment.
- 他须时不时地停下来喘口气.
- The patient needs peace and quiet.
- 病人需要安静.
- The idea seems good, but it needs to be tried out.
- 这办法似乎很好, 不过需要检验.
- The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
- 大脑需要不断供给血液.
- This road needs to be widened.
- 这条路需要加宽.
- My wardrobe needs to be renewed.
- 我需要添置一些衣服了.
- This could be the winning game for the challenger, who only needs two more points for the championship.
- 这场比赛可能是挑战者获胜, 他只要再得两分就得冠军了.
- The piping outside the house needs painting.
- 室外的管道需要油漆了.
- The outside of the house needs painting.
- 房子的外表需要油漆一下。
- Wealth needs to be redistributed from the rich to the poor.
- 需要将财富从富人那里重新分给穷人。
- The company needs to improve its training and retention of staff.
- 公司需要改进对员工的培训和留用工作。
- This knife needs sharpening.
- 这把刀需要磨了。
- What he needs now is just rest and a lot of TLC.
- 他现在需要的只是休息和充分的亲切关怀。