英 [æksɪ'dent(ə)lɪ]
- adv. 意外地;偶然地
- The jury returned a verdict of accidental death...
- 陪审团作出意外死亡的正式裁决。
- His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.
- 就在有意无意间,他的手轻轻拂过她的手。
- Some people were poisoned by pesticides.
- 有些人农药中毒.
- He accidentally trod on her foot.
- 他不小心踩了她的脚.
- I accidentally spilled my drink all over him.
- 我不小心把饮料溅得他浑身都是.
- He was accidentally blinded in the left eye.
- 他意外弄瞎了左眼.
- She gave the answer away accidentally.
- 她无意中泄露了答案.
- The calculator was damaged accidentally, and we needed to buy a new one.
- 这个计算器意外被弄坏了, 我们需要买一个新的.
- The paper accidentally printed the victim's address, then compounded their error by printing her name the next day.
- 报纸无意中刊出了受害者的地址, 第二天又登出她的姓名,真是一错再错.
- The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
- 这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中.
- We had accidentally strayed into the war zone.
- 我们走错路意外地闯进了作战区.
- He accidentally shot himself in the foot.
- 他意外走火打中了自己的脚.
- He was accidentally killed by going too close to Vesuvius.
- 他是因走得太靠近维苏威火山而意外丧生的.
- The lawyer stressed the fact that the defendant killed the boy accidentally.
- 律师强调被告是意外杀死了那个男孩的.
- I accidentally dropped my glasses into the water.
- 我意外地把眼镜掉进水里了.
- While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out.
- 他擦猎枪时意外走火,打烂了自己的脑袋.
- John made a big stink about being accidentally short changed.
- 售货员无意中少找了钱,约翰就大叫大嚷起来.
- My arm accidentally struck against the table.
- 我的胳膊不小心撞到桌子上.
- He accidentally triggered his rifle.
- 他无意中扣发了他步枪的扳机.
- We'd just finished our meal when John realized he'd accidentally left his checkbook at home.
- 我们刚吃完饭,这时约翰发现他无意中把支票本落在家里了.
- I accidentally knocked the vase off the table.
- 我无意中碰落了桌上的花瓶.
- I accidentally hit my knee on the desk.
- 我的膝盖不小心撞到了桌子.
- She accidentally swallowed a glass bead.
- 她不小心吞下了一颗玻璃珠.
- The pistol discharged accidentally.
- 手枪走火了.
- He accidentally knocked over an ink bottle.
- 他无意中把墨水瓶打翻了.
- A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally.
- 特殊的锁定系统使门不会被意外打开。
- Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.
- 弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。
- He accidentally electrocuted himself.
- 他意外触电身亡。
- She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.
- 她不小心把架子上的茶叶罐碰了下来。